This series of illustrations visually describe the different types of F.G.C (Female Genital Cutting; also know as Female Genital Mutilation).
Each illustration showcases the increasing severity or level of cut. With each image is a description of what has been done in each procedure.
The works here were completed in collaboration with The Sauti Yetu Foundation.
Pre-adolescent Female genital anatomy & Male external and partial internal genital anatomy
Clitoridectomy 1: Removal of Clitois only.
Scar tissue is formed by the remaining clitoris hood
Clitoridectomy 2: Removal of both Clitois gland and clitoris hood
Remaining skin sutured together, creating new scar tissue
Combination of Clitoridectomy 2 and excising of Labia minora.
Combination of Clitoridectomy 2 and excising of both Labia minora and Labia majora.
Scarring between both lips of labia.
Complete removal and apposition of skin both lips of labia as well as the complete removal of the structure of the clitoris, resulting in the forming of a cutaneous bridge scar tissue.
The opening of the Urethra is closed by the cutaneous bridge
A new vagina opening is created as a result of the cutaneous bridge